A Call to Worship
Pentecost 8B [Ordinary 16B] or [Proper 11B] 2012
Psalm 89: 20-37
Everlasting God, we gather today to celebrate the faithfulnessof our God, who calls people to service, and then enables them.
We give thanks for God’s faithful promise: “I will love him forever..”
Remembering God, you call to people to come and join in worship—
so that together, they may give witness to God’s enduring love.
We give thanks for the generosity of God’s love so freely promised:
“...I will never stop loving him, nor let my promise to him fail.
Faithful God, we gather to join with your people from the past
who knew of God’s promises: “No, I will not break my covenant...”:
With worship and praise, we joyfully respond to all God’s promises:
‘You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’ Amen.
Prayers of Thankfulness and Trust
Pentecost 8B [Ordinary 16B] or [Proper 11B] 2012
Psalm 89: 20-37
Our God, you are the Rock upon which we place our trust! You are ourConstant Hope and our Strength when we need encouragement. We give
thanks for God’s faithful love that has endured through the long centuries,
as shown to God’s people as they sought to honour and worship God. We
come with thankful hearts and minds to worship our Trustworthy God, to
claim your holy promises, and to rejoice in the comfort they give to us all.
Steadfast God, your promises are more enduring than the stars, planets
and suns - these we can see; but there are many, we are informed which
exist beyond our sight and imagination. How much more can we trust in
God’s promises than on those learned people with their telescopes, and
their explorations of space! How much more dependable is our God, and
the promises God has made, than any human commitment to a relationship!
It is within all those reassurances that God gives, that we have the courage
to step out to fulfil our calling to worship, witness and serve in God’s world.
Holy God, you are our Refuge and Guide, the Holy Ruler of all things, past,
present and into the unknown future, and with confidence and trust, we come
to you, accepting all that you call us to fulfil in life, to your greater glory. Amen.
A Personal Meditation
Pentecost 8B [Ordinary 16B] or [Proper 11B] 2012
Psalm 89: 20-37
Holy God, some of the deepest and sweetest experiencesin my faith journey has been those times of dedication and
commissioning, when the hands of faithful people have been
placed in blessing on my head and shoulders; and with the
touch of those hands, the almost tangible feeling of God’s real
presence in those moments. It is almost impossible to describe
those holy moments of contact with God, and the blessings
that flow from those experiences of the Holy Spirit’s presence.
Creative pause: | God’s almost tangible presence in blessing. |
I believe that placing one’s hand on a Bible whilst swearing an
oath of allegiance does not have the same spiritual context as
does the “laying on of hands” by Christian leaders and friends;
however, the degree of commitment could be similar, yet different.
Creative pause: | How different is an oath of allegiance and Christian commissioning? |
I suggest that if King David could have chosen four symbols of his
kingship, he would have chosen a shepherd’s crook; a scroll of scripture;
a flask of oil for healing; and a container of fresh water for cleansing
and purifying himself for worship of the King of kings. The symbols
I have chosen for commissioning were a Bible; a bowl and towel for
servanthood; postage stamps for being in touch with people; and an
address book, so that I knew how to find people in their various needs.
Creative pause: | The choice of symbols for dedication and commissioning? |
The almost unbelievable commitment God made to King David is a
wonderful testimony to the way God continues to be involved in the
day to day lives of people, regardless of their commitments to God.
I find that very encouraging, especially in leadership commitments,
because that is one of the loneliest of tasks God call to us to fulfil.
Creative pause: | The loneliness of leadership and the comfort of God’s presence! |
Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and
Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union');
as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.
If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2012 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year B. Used with permission.
Download/view a pdf file of this document here: pentecost8[16]b_2012.pdf